Ahlul Bait literally means "The People of the House" referring to
those who lived and were raised in the vicinity of the Prophet
(AS&S) and later their descendants..
Usually Ahlul Bait refer to the parents, uncles (and aunts),
wives, children, and grandchildren of the Prophet (AS&S)..
The most important members of this Holy family are: Sayyidah
Khadijja (S), Sayyidah Aicha (S), Imam Alei (S), Sayyidah Fatima (S),
Imam Hassan (S), Imam Hussain (S), and so many more..
The members of Ahlul Bait are concidered the fourth holiest
only to Allah, Prophet Muhammad (AS&S) and the other Prophets
since they have been honoured by Allah -in the Koran-
and by his prophet through his sacred Sunnah and his Hadith..
Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you,
ye Members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.
[al-Ahzab 33:33]
The Shrines in which members of Ahlul Bait are buried
have become a Mazar (a place of visit) where millions
come to pray, wish, and pay respect to the Holy Family..
These Shrines are usually called either Darih or Mashad
which can be described clearly in our glossary. Also many
bury their dead in the vicinity of the Ahlul Bait Shrines wishing
to earn some of their blessings and the mercy of God in which
they rest in Peace..
Female members of Ahlul Bait are usually titled Sayyidah
(Arabic: Mistress Lady), Sharifa (Arabic: Noble Lady,
used mainly in North Africa) and Bibi (Persian and Turkic: Lady)
while the male members of Ahlul Bait are titled Imam,
(Arabic: leader of the Ummah, most commonly used)
or Imamzadeh (Persian), or Sayyid (Arabic: Master/Lord)
or Sharif (Arabic: Noble Master, used mainly in North Africa).
more detailed familly tree of the Prophet (AS&S) in Arabic
due to their strong relations together, inter-marriage,
naming more than one son and daughter with the same
name as well as naming people with the names of their
grandparents and ancestors, therefore we advise you to,
first, have a brief look at the three familly trees we have
provided in the above table before moving onwards.
Rida Hashmi
Web Designer
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